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Are stock levels accurate?

Unlike many other retailers, our listed stock levels are live as to what we have on hand. Occasionally, stock levels may fluctuate up and down throughout the day – this is caused by inter-store transfers or stock deliveries being processed.

How do I place an order?
Simply add the items you are looking for to your shopping cart. When ready, proceed to the Checkout and complete any details required. If you’ve done this before, all you need to do is log in!
How do I find out the exact shipping costs for an order?

Please see our Shipping Guide page for more information about delivery methods and how to calculate the total cost for your order.

How quickly will my order be processed?

Stock is immediately reserved when your order is placed, therefore you will not need to call and confirm the stock has been placed aside for you.

Pick up orders

Actual processing time may vary, however if all items were in stock at the time of order we aim to have the order ready to pickup within 1 - 2 hours at which point in time you will receive a notification saying the order is ready to pickup. If you wish to come to pick your order up before receiving this notification, please let our sales team know you have an order and you can wait while it is picked and processed.

Delivery orders

If all items are in stock, ordered and paid for before 1pm local time, we aim to dispatch the same day Monday - Friday. This may vary during busy periods of the year.

What if I want to order something PLE doesn't currently stock?
We stock a comprehensive range of most products, however if you are after a specific brand or part that we do not have listed please contact us and where possible, we will provide a quote to order the item for you.
Are PLE prices fixed?
Being in business for over 25 years means we have established longstanding relationships with many suppliers, as such the prices we have listed are generally the best we are able to offer. For large order quantities, contact us for a quote and we will aim to provide the most competitive price.
How do I go about buying a PLE Computers PC?
Systems and notebooks are available to buy online. PLE Machine packages may also be ordered by email, telephone or in store. All system orders require a deposit of 20% of system price or $100 which ever is greater.
Which payment options are available?
PLE Computers offers a range of payment options to ensure payments are efficient and secure. All payments processed via our website are protected with encryption. We do not store your credit card details on our servers, instead this is stored at our payment providers secure storage facility. There are no surcharges for using any of our payment methods.
To view all of our payment options head to
Do I need to provide ID when picking up orders?
At the checkout you are able to select to order online and pick up your order in store. Please note the following important information in relation to Click and Collect orders.

Unpaid Orders: Stock for your order will be allocated immediately upon order placement. After 7 calendar days if you have not picked up the order the order will be cancelled and goods returned to stock for sale to another customer. If you are unable to pick up within 7 days please make specific arrangements with the store directly. Since you are paying in store there is no requirement for ID.

Orders Paid Online and Pickup In Store: Please note that due to fraudulent activity orders paid online and collected in store will require presentation of Photo ID to pick up the goods. If you wish to have an alternative person pick up your goods please make specific arrangements with the store directly.
What are the PLE Computers store trading hours?

Western Australia - Normal operating times are 9am until 6pm Weekdays and 9am until 4pm Saturdays, 11am until 3pm on Sundays, Excludes public holidays and Christmas period opening times may vary.

Victoria - Normal operating times are 9am until 6pm Weekdays and 9am until 4pm Saturdays, 11am until 3pm on Sundays, Excludes public holidays and Christmas period opening times may vary. 

How do I redeem a PLE Gift Voucher?

Locate the voucher code located at the back of your paper voucher or gift card. Once you have the code, proceed through the checkout until you reach the payment screen. Here you will see a list of payment options, click on "Gift Card" and input the voucher code.
If there is an outstanding payment after you use your Gift Voucher, please use one of the other payment options to clear the outstanding amount.

PLEASE NOTE Earlier in the checkout process there is a section that has the text "Coupon or PLE Code" & "Add Code", this is not where you redeem your Gift Voucher. Please follow the steps above to claim your voucher.
Can't find what you're looking for?
If there is any more information you require, please click here and contact your closest store.
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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 1991-2023 PLE Computers Pty Ltd (ABN: 48 051 046 596). The PLE Computer Logo & Mouse Pointer in Circles are registered Trademarks of PLE Computers Pty Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. For further information on terms of service & conditions please see Terms & Conditions. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, and Xeon Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
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